The theme for this year’s Farmers Day celebration is “Footprints Through Time” The Farmers Day Parade will be Saturday, June 22nd. There's still time to prepare and create the best “Footprints Through Time” entry to be in the parade. Start planning now to win the $250 Grand prize, provided by the Jesup Chamber of Commerce! Farmers Day, Inc. will award $75 for each of the entry categories. Prizes will be awarded on originality, creativity, theme-appropriateness and effort. Only one prize per entry. Judges will walk the parade entry line-up at approximately 9:00 AM to begin observing the entire parade line-up. Final determination will be made when entries pass the judges’ stand. Parade winners will be announced at the Park Pavilion at 6:30 PM Saturday.
Parade Entry Categories
Jesup Chamber Award
Business Entry
Church Entry
Non-Profit Organization Entry
Family Entry
Horse with Rider and/or Wagon Entry
Most Creative Entry
There is no charge to enter the parade and no registration is necessary. Those riding horses and/or ponies, however, are asked to call the parade organizer Jim McCarty, at 319-290-3909, and leave a name and telephone number prior to the parade day; parade entry of any horse or pony with a rider or pulling a wagon or cart will be required to show proof of insurance to cover liability in case of accidents.
Parade Route
The parade will travel south from the public school on 6th Street to Hawley Street; East of Hawley to Main Street; south on Main Street to Stevens Street; west on Stevens Street to 5th Street and disperse to the intersection of Douglas. Everyone is invited to participate in the long-standing Farmers Day tradition. For more information please contact Jim McCarty at 319-290-3909 or jamesmccarty57@gmail.com.
Candy Throwing
Parade organizers encourage the passing out of candy but are asking that candy NOT be thrown from cars, tractors, semis, or floats this year. People should walk alongside their entry and toss the candy to the crowd while they are on foot.
The Shriners Cars will be attending the Farmers Day Parade. Those who would like to donate to the Shriners, who support free children’s hospitals, can drop off donations at BankIowa or Farmers State Bank.